Digital Multi-Channel Rate Card
Digital Multi-Channel Marketing is the new influencer medium...
and Canada’s Podcast delivers.
REACH a loyal audience of entrepreneurs, established business owners and innovative business-focused listeners throughout Canada. Canada’s Podcast is all about community and connecting with others doing business! You can reach regional markets across British Columbia, Alberta, Atlantic Canada, Quebec and Ontario. Get close to the business drivers in local markets across Canada.
BENEFIT from the national coverage we have across Canada with many listeners in the United States and globally. Keep listening as Canada’s Podcast continues to grow.

Podcast Advertising... By The Numbers
Let’s begin with latest numbers. Current Metrics and Milestones for Canada’s Podcast are fantastic, and they just keep on improving. Updated Quarterly.
Canada’s Podcast - Canada's #1 Podcast for Entrepreneurs | Stats To Date:
Average Newsletter Open Percentage
Split Gender Demographic
Age Demographics
Podcast advertising helps you generate more sales leads
According to Podsights data, podcast lead conversion rates are better or at least on par with other channels, and average purchase conversion rates increased by 19 percent in 2022. There was also an increase in visitors who purchased from an advertiser’s website after hearing a podcast ad.
Canada’S Podcast Advertising Gets Great Results
So, let’s start with the facts. Here are some of the brands that have worked with to generate demand for our clients.

Access an engaged and micro-targeted audience with podcast advertising
Podcasting is different. It is micro-targeted. As a result, CPM is less important than time spent listening or viewing the podcast. By adding podcast advertising to your marketing plan, you can capture a dedicated and highly focused audience and deploy some deep and more authentic marketing messages.
Extended Reach and Repetition
When you buy a podcast and/or some episode advertising, it’s a one-time charge. However, because our podcast episodes stay up online your ad is also there to be heard or seen. And listeners can replay episodes and you can link your site or emails to the podcast messaging.
How Effective Is Podcast Advertising?
According to the Edison Research Super Listeners 2021 report, podcast ads are the most recalled ad types. This was corroborated by 86% of respondents. Podcast advertising has statistically shown to generate more than 4 times better brand recall in consumers than display ads. In a Nielsen survey, 70% of respondents reported that a podcast ad increased their awareness of a new product or service. This means that an overwhelming number of podcast listeners remember hearing an advertisement included in a podcast.
What is podcast advertising and how do you use it on Canada’s Podcast?
Episode Ads
Podcast episode ads are the promotional breaks in the main podcast content. The ad is a pre- recorded Pre/mid roll message (normally 15-30 seconds) inserted into the content.5
Sponsored Podcasts
It can also be a sponsored podcast where you pay for your product or service, or business to be promoted during a podcast, normally in an infotorial format, in the form of an advertisement.
Partnership Podcast
Or you partner with us to create your own featured podcast series over a longer period using the Canada’s Podcast platform. In some cases, this might be under our own feature programs, like Canada’s Entrepreneur News or AwesomePreneurs or it might be a totally new series based on your requirements. A branded podcast series allows the audience to have value-rich authentic content that supports your brand reputation and credibility and raises positive brand awareness.

A 3-month sponsorship by ebay brought over 600,000 views and impressions from across the country
Our Target Market: Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
They are a great segment to connect with:
- Our audience: 18 – 54 years of age, 50/50 split gender demographic
- They own more businesses: 41 percent own two or more businesses
- They create more jobs: 32 percent employ five or more employees
- They take their work outside of their home: 43 percent work in an office as opposed to home
- They stay in business longer: 43 percent have been in business for more than ten years
- They make more money: 14 percent reported 2013 revenues over $1 million
Connect with them using Canada’s Podcast advertising and sponsored podcasts.
Rate Card
1. Episode Advertising
4 episodes over a 4 week period
To get even more coverage you can add our Social Boost option.
- 15-30 second pre/mid/post-roll messaging. All our podcasts are shared socially. This will increase your podcast coverage significantly.
- We work with you on the script to get what you want and have one of our hosts complete the voice over. There is an additional host voice-over charge.
2. Social Boost Audience Enhancement
2 week duration
- All of our podcasts are shared socially however, to get even more coverage we offer a social boost option focused on key local and/or national customers. We focus on the best social channels for your brand and locations.
- If you want to extend your audience reach our social boost team will ensure you get increased coverage in your defined geo-demographic sectors. This is a great way of enhancing the media distribution of your podcast(s).
3. Episode Advertising and Brand Placement in Monthly Newsletter and Daily Newsposts
This is a 1-month sponsorship. You will have episode placement in 6 episodes monthly.
- We produce a 15 and 30 second pre/mid/roll message for you. All our podcasts are shared socially.
- You also get brand placement in our Monthly newsletter (over 40k subscribers) and 2 daily newsposts monthly. And you get web site brand advertising.
- Pre-roll and Mid-roll ads (6 episodes over 1 month) *There are additional host voice-over and creative charges.
4. Sponsored Newscast
- This is a 10 minute interview that we script with you on a particular news item that you want our audience to know about. With over 40,000 organic impressions monthly on our social channels and a monthly newsletter that goes to 40,000 (approx.) subscribers as well as being featured on our podcast channels, this is a great means to get out your information out in an authentic manner
- We work with you on the script to get what you want and have one of our hosts complete the voice over. There are additional host voice-over and production charges.
- Deliverables:
- 1 Sponsored Newscast (10 minutes in length)
- Posting on all our social channels
- Posting on our website
- Featured on our YouTube and podcast news channels
- *Additional Social Boost coverage is available for deeper circulation
5. Sponsored Story Podcast/s
Featured Sponsored Podcast/s (2) with Social Boost and Pre/Mid roll ads
You get two special podcast episodes (30 mins each) dedicated to you and the products and services you offer. This is an infotorial format where we will interview you and/or your customers with customized questions that tell the story you want the audience to know.
You also get 6x10x15 second pre/mid-roll messages – which will run on our podcasts. Additionally we enhance coverage with our Social Boost podcast distribution to expand your audience. With this additional paid promotion we can geo-demo to your target audiences in Canada.
This will be pushed on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram. And you get web site branding.
This is a great way of enhancing the media distribution of your podcast(s). As an example, RBC Insurance got over 35K views using this approach – see
The total media purchase for the two sponsored podcasts will be as follows: Sponsored podcasts (2) and pre/mid-roll ads required (4)
- Recommended 2 week Social Boost promotion
- *Production is an additional charge

6. Partner-Level Sponsorship
Canada’s Entrepreneur Monthly Newsletter daily Newsposts & Monthly Newscast
Canada’s Entrepreneur Monthly Newsletter daily Newsposts & Monthly Newscast
This unique sponsorship opportunity allows you to sustain a prolonged appearance with our audience and, as you might imagine, this enhances your influence potential.
We write two sponsored articles talking about you and how you are making it happen. The exposure in our monthly newsletter to 35,000 subscribers (averages 20%+ open rate) and on our website. In addition your brand is featured in our daily newscasts across our social channels. And you get web site branding.
In addition you get three special podcast episodes dedicated to you and the products and services you offer. This is an infotorial format where we will interview you and/or your customers with customized questions that tells the story you want the audience to know.
Finally you are part of our 15-30 second pre/ mid-roll messaging on 6 podcasts monthly during this period. The ads will run on all new podcasts over a 3 months period.
Summary & Pricing
- Three news podcasts over three months covering Quebec, Ontario, Atlantic Canada, BC and the Prairies
- Brand featured in our pre-mid roll ads on selected podcasts over 3 months
- Brand placement on our daily newscasts and web site
- Additional Social Boost newscast distribution for on week per month over 3 months

A great example of how RBC Insurance Influenced many entrepreneurs across the country with over 35,000 views of the video cast
- Monthly budget (not including production). Minimum 3-month.
7. Awesomepreneurs
Monthly feature focusing on bringing high profile Canadian Entrepreneurs into the conversation with Canada’s Podcast hosts.
- Season (6 month) — 6 episodes per season (6 series min) with a cost of $85k for 6 months or $150k for 12 months. Target is a minium 50,000 views per episode.
- Structure is one feature per month over 6 months (there will be ongoing promotion on Canada’s Podcast web site, podcasts, newsletter, newsposts). Maximum of two sponsors for each season.
- You will feature in our newsletter, newscasts, newsposts and podcast ad-roll. Also we will be social boosting all of these.
- This will be much higher production values than other podcasts and will likely be about $1500 per episode.
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